フィゲラスのダリ劇場美術館 Dali Theater Museum at Figueras

10/08/2010 Went to Dali Theatre Museum at Figueras. Figueras is small city, 3 hours from Barcelona by train, population is aroud 40,000, near from French border. The city was trading city between Spain and France in old age.

Dali Teatre Museum is located around 15 minutes from Figueras station. You will make sense why the museum is called as "Theatre" after we will go into the museum. It is like labyrinth. You maybe lost your place in the museum sometimes.

Big courtyard is in the center of the museum. Many rooms included Dali's artworks are in the building surrounding the courtyard.

I bought the picture book of the museum when I was out. I found many artworks I have not seen in the museum in the book. I missed to go to some rooms. I felt like Dali bewitched me in the museum.

Dali took lead to build the museum. I realized the museum was one of Dali's mysterious artworks, maybe biggest one.

20 euro for train turnaround ticket from Barcelona to Gigueras. 11 euro for Dali Theatre Museum. 11 euro for the picture book of the museum.
